The Remarkable Body
The human body is remarkable! Seriously. Think about it for a moment. It is extremely adaptable, constantly renewing itself and adjusting to its internal and external environment. It is bilateral and symmetrical, composed of eight load-bearing joints - ankles, knees, hips and shoulders - that are designed to work identically on each side. When all of its parts are functioning well - as a unit - the result is generally excellent health and all the benefits that come with that, including good upright posture. But when some part or parts are not functioning well, the result is often one or more health issues, and this can include poor posture.
There are many reasons a person might develop poor health, such as insufficient hydration or poor nutrition, lack of exercise, an illness or disease, or a traumatic injury. But there is one reason for poor health that isn't commonly taken into consideration by the traditional medical establishment - and that is poor posture. In other words, lousy posture may actually be the reason for one or more (or all) of our health issues. Yes, you read that right. Posture plays a very big role in our health and well-being!
When the body is correctly aligned, the joints on each side sit directly above one another. The feet point straight ahead, both kneecaps point forward, the hips and shoulders are level, the head is balanced on the spine. .
If the body isn't aligned like this the muscles cannot operate optimally and so the joints do not move correctly. Poor posture can have a negative impact on a person's health far beyond having sore or achy muscles or misaligned and painful joints. Poor posture results in a myriad of health compromises including but not limited to compromised lung capacity, circulation and digestive issues, headaches, depression, fatigue, and more.
The good news is that the body responds very well to the stimulus of exercise or physical activities that strengthen and stretch muscles. It is, essentially, never too late to perform simple functional exercises that work to correct (even long-held) dysfunctional movement patterns. When muscles work right - as they are meant to - then the joints they are moving begin to function correctly and start to move back into more proper alignment. This reduces muscle and joint pain and results in less wear and tear of the joint surfaces. It also means better health, because a properly aligned body provides a healthy environment for proper breathing, improved circulation, and better digestion. It's a win-win situation!