Knee Pain? Bone on Bone?
I have consulted with Travis Perret in the past - he is a great therapist and teacher, and owns Exercise Therapy of Kansas City. He had a client who had severe knee pain and decided to try posture therapy before making the irreversible decision to have a knee replacement. His story is summarized in this great article - Knee Pain? Bone on Bone? - written by Rick Mathes, owner of The Egoscue Clinic of Austin.
If you think that a diagnosis of "bone on bone" means that your joints cannot be realigned or that you require joint replacement surgery or must live with pain and limitation for the rest of your life, take a look at these x-rays included in the article and consider giving posture exercise therapy a try.
Before: note the bone on bone on the lateral side of the R knee, and then - After: note the change to the R knee joint.
There are excellent Egoscue-certified and PTX-licensed therapists throughout the world, including Travis and Rick. Visit the Posture Alignment Therapists, PTX Therapy or Egoscue websites to find a therapist near you. Note that posture therapists conduct sessions in person, online, via email or by phone.